Actualités - ENG
(Morocco World News) "Morocco continues its battle against drought, which has greatly marred the country’s agriculture season."See it on...
(Morocco World News) "With the stability of its prices on international markets, Morocco has increased its wheat imports and...
(World Grain) "Nation still has large carryover stocks of wheat, barley"See it on, via MED-Amin network
(World Grain) "Agency projects 26% decline in year-on-year shipments"See it on, via MED-Amin network
(Wolrd Grain) "But Canadian all-wheat, barley, oats crops forecast larger"See it on, via MED-Amin network
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A la une - ENG
The bulletin presenting the results of the 2023/24 harvest for winter crops (soft wheat, durum...
The latest newsletter highlights are:
12th Ministerial Meeting of CIHEAM
Agricultural Monitoring and Early...
Los aspectos más destacados del último boletín son:
Sequías de verano, irrigación y gestión del...
