Actualités - ENG
Model used by EWA and WSC forecasts future water demands. Malta’s water agency is running tests on artificial intelligence...
Alors que les aléas climatiques se multiplient, anticiper les périodes de sécheresses et d'inondations devient crucial. Un champ de...
(Le Matin) "La sécheresse continue de frapper durement le Maroc, selon les données de l’année hydrologique 2023-2024 couvrant la...
(Reuters) "PARIS, Jan 27 (Reuters) - France faces its worst wheat exports in decades as a rift with Algeria,...
(UkrAgroConsult, from Zerno-Online) "New agricultural centers will strengthen Algeria’s food autonomy, the country’s Agriculture Minister Youssef Cherfa said on...
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The bulletin presenting the results of the 2023/24 harvest for winter crops (soft wheat, durum...
The latest newsletter highlights are:
12th Ministerial Meeting of CIHEAM
Agricultural Monitoring and Early...
Los aspectos más destacados del último boletín son:
Sequías de verano, irrigación y gestión del...
